Monday, November 24, 2008

rough at work lately

I have not been posting much lately. I have been really stressed out because of work, and all of my energy seems to be taken up by by working, worrying about working, and it seems like all I can do most days to get out of bed, eat, wash, and go to work. I am a mess, and my doctor actually wants to put me on medication for anxiety.

And with today's terrible economy, I cannot walk away from a job with full benefits, no matter how poisonous that job is.

Sometimes life sucks, or parts of life can suck, and my work life sucks royally right now.

On the other hand, Dan has been very kind and supportive, and has been trying to spend time with me, as he knows that cheers me up. Friday we went to one of my favorite places to eat, The Earle in Ann Arbor - a romantic place with great food and live jazz. And on my off week he took me to the Quarter Bistro in Ann Arbor, where we had the best wine I have ever had and good food.

The children are, as always, a light and delight in my life. I cannot even express how much I love them, there are simply not words that strong.

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