Our elderly cat passed away peacefully in his sleep. Since it is Mother's Day, and cold and rainy besides, my husband took pity on me and buried him this morning, on the edge of the woods, in the middle of a huge patch of purple wild violets. And then put a huge rock on top of his grave so coyotes and other scavengers cannot dig his body back up.
I love pets, but their life spans are so short.
Tigger and our dog and our youngest son were all babies together. The cat is gone, the dog is so old and feeble that every time he sneezes he falls down. My son is not yet a man grown. 
I love pets, but their life spans are so short.
I just came upon your Journal from Magic Smoke. And I had to find you on the day that your little cat died. Hopefully, he went on to a better place and you are left with good memories of him. Marlene
Thank you for your kind words!
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