The first wild swans of the spring are here! The snow has all melted (except for the huge piles in parking lots!).
We are even supposed to have thunderstorms later this afternoon! Of course, we might also have more snow on Friday, but this is Michigan after all.
Yesterday marked a full month since I caught this respiratory infection. It is much better, but it is still with me. I am still coughing up stuff (though it is clear or white as opposed to the yellow, orange, or bloody red stuff I was coughing up earlier in the infection) and still having sinus drainage, I still do not have my normal voice back (though people can at least understand what I am trying to say now), and I am still having problems with constantly being cold. And when I do manage to get warm, I seem to instantly fall asleep!
The knee, injured in early January, is also doing better, but still not entirely well. I can stand for long periods and walk without horrible pain unless I really over do it. Well, there is also pain and soreness and swelling by the end of the work week, but it subsides over the weekend - some sort of accumulative thing. I can kick forwards and backwards. I can walk forwards and backwards. When I get into trouble with both pain and leg-buckling is sideways movement. Stairs and steps and curbs are also still giving me trouble. Tomorrow will be my last physical therapy appointment, and from here on out I will do strength training at home.
Despite it all, my spirits are good. I am enjoying my time with both of my children this week. And next week, Dan and I have two nice dates planned, and as of now I am healthy enough to go on them both.
I just have to be patient with both the respiratory infection and the knee, as both (very) slowly improve. In the meantime, I just have to remember to take it easy, and to try to get extra sleep.
Someone that I know probably lost her mother last night. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer early in the year, had to be hospitalized after outpatient chemo, then went to the hospice after that. She was expected to pass last night by the hospice people. I feel very bad about it - the mother will be the third death from cancer in this immediate family in just a few short years - my prayers are with the mother's family at this difficult time.
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