Saturday, March 17, 2007


Dan and Steven have both come down with another nasty cold. Steven has a really painful sounding deep cough, way down in his lungs. I hope it does not get his asthma going. I hope I do not catch it this time, as I am just nicely getting over the last respiratory infection. And I hope that Bill does not catch it and take it back to school with him!

Yesterday I took Bill out to lunch and then clothes shopping. He hates clothes shopping, and so that part was a rather negative experience. Lunch was nice, though!

Today I took Steven out on a shopping expedition.  We went to get toiletries and cold medicine, and stopped off at the video game store and got him a couple of games for his Nintendo DS while we were at it.

I still have to get to the grocery store for more milk and bread. Maybe I will just run up the road to Sam's Club - people laugh when they hear me say that I am going to a warehouse club to pick up a gallon of milk, but that is by far the closest grocery store to our house!

This morning was another morning to wake up and see fresh snow coating the ground, though it has all melted again as the day has gone onwards. This morning when I let the dog out, it sounded like there were hundreds of birds, all different kinds, singing their little hearts out. I wonder if the spring migration is starting to pass through? There were two lovely bluebirds in the backyard, and I am pretty sure that bluebirds do not overwinter in these parts!

I just got back from taking a walk with the dog and with Dan. I thought that maybe if Dan got a bit of fresh air he might feel a little better. The sun is out, and that is very nice, but there is a cold bite in the wind today!

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