Thursday, March 29, 2007

getting caught up a little bit

Just making a quick post to get caught up a little bit.

Spring is still trying to come in. After two days of warm temps and not having to wear a coat and being able to open up windows, it is down to freezing again tonight. I have lots of little purple crocuses blooming now. The tree pollen is out and is making almost everyone I know a bit sick from allergies. We had a huge thunderstorm last night when I was at work, and we got a lot of hail and everything.

It is less than a week to Tigers season opener!

Steven was sick yesterday - his whole body ached, he was running a fever, and his hands were ice cold. He is feeling better today, thank God. I am sure that Dan and I will have it soon, as things seem to follow that pattern. But I would rather be sick any day than the kids be sick!

Spring soccer season has started! Or at least the practices have. I am hoping it will warm up a bit before the games start.

Work has been busy and I am very tired right now. But the week is almost over, and knowing that helps.

I have made appointments with an eye doctor and a new dentist. Having vision and dental insurance has me very happy and excited! New glasses! Clean teeth!



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