Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Trying to Hang in There

Still not feeling well today. This is getting old.

But I did have a productive day anyway. Besides going to work, I did finish my Christmas shopping. So I am doing very well.

Rather than order gifts for people Dan suggested I just get gift certificates, so that's what I did. So one afternoon of addressing cards and getting them in the mail should take care of things.

So that leaves:

*decorating the tree - I plan on doing this on Friday, and taking my time doing it while drinking hot chocolate and playing Christmas carols and relaxing and enjoying myself

* addressing the cards and getting them (and their gift certificates) into the mail - I can get started on this on my work breaks tomorrow night, hopefully can be done early next week

*wrapping the gifts for the kids - I can do this anytime before Christmas day, and will probably do a little bit at a time

Maybe having an enjoyable and virtually stress free holiday is possible this year after all.

Tomorrow I am planning on doing as little as possible other than going to work. I need to start feeling better. Perhaps I can finally find time to finish reading the French history book I have been reading for months!

I was listening to Mahler's First Symphony today and had to go to another part of the house part way through it. Since I haven't been feeling well, I have also not been mentally sharp lately. I was in the front room and suddenly heard what I thought was distant thunder. I really wondered at that, since it is winter, and a very cold day, not a day to expect a thunderstorm. I laughed my head off when I realized it was the  brass section of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, blazing away in a show of musical pyrotechnics on my bedroom stereo!

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