Wednesday, December 28, 2005

even grouchier

Man, getting through work was difficult tonight. I was so glad to come home and get a hot shower. Bed will be good, too, other than the fact that my asthma started kicking in last night because of my cold and when I lie down the rattling and whistling noises of my breathing keeps me awake. It's easier to breathe sitting up.

Ah well. Colds are a part of life.

As are cracking and bleeding feet in the winter, which began early for me this year. After my shower I gave my feet a good going over with some pumice, then rubbed on special foot cream. Maybe I can get the cracking under control in a few days.

Only two more nights of work to get through...only two. I can do this. Somehow.

In the meantime I will think of happy things like mountains and hummingbirds and chocolate and the way dogs grin at you when they are happy.


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