Still not feeling well, and having a very unproductive day. I did get some of the Christmas decorations up, and sorted the mail so I can pay the bills when I get home from work tonight. I got a large trash bag filled with catalogs and junk mail. Why do trees have to die for such things? When I get home tonight I will be up until the wee hours paying the bills for tomorrow's mail. Tomorrow if all goes well, I will get started on those cards and gift certificates (though I might have to run to the post office for more stamps). Of course, the snowstorm we'll be getting tomorrow might have upset any post office plans...
And then I can still sleep in late and have my tree decorating party on Friday.
Today I had to go get Steven from school. He is running a fever , has a horrible headache
, and a sore throat. Poor little guy. I always wish I could sick or hurt in place of my children.
I am still looking at the looming holidays with a visceral sense of dread, given the last two years.
Please, please let no one I love get sick and die this year at Christmas. Please, please let no one I love get seriously hurt, or be in pain or be suffering at Christmas. Please, please let no one I love tell me I am unimportant and worthless this year at Christmas...
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