Took the dog out for his bed time "business" a little while ago, and the back yard was filled with fireflies, and the singing of crickets and tree frogs. Very very nice.
We've been watching the Olympics as much as we can. Steven gets very happy and excited whenever they mention the US training center in Colorado Springs.
We have been having fun watching the sorts of sports you rarely get a chance to watch, such as the women's shot-put (from the ancient ruins at Olympia itself), the women's long distance bike rode race, and equestrian dressage.
They sprayed for fleas at work again tonight. I fear that it is a helpless battle until the person who brings them in is identified, and actions are taken to deflea the person, that person's home and car, and that person's poor pets.
This is the last full week the kids have off from school. I will miss them when they are back in school. We will be going to a Detroit Tigers game this Saturday and hopefully having dinner in Greektown in Detroit, to celebrate the last "free weekend"...and we've never had a chance, in this rainy summer, to set off those Roman candles from Boomland, either...hopefully the weather will cooperate with us!!!!!!!!!!!
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