Long day today. Took the kids into their schools this morning for registration.
Bill's schedule, for once, was OK. The other two years he has been in high school, half of his initial schedule said "see counselor". This year he has all of his core classes (English 11A, precalculus, chemistry, American history, trigonometry, and French III) but he didn't have any electives listed. I can take care of that on Friday for junior counseling day. I told him I was putting my foot down and insisted that he will sign up for something fun like art or gym. He got his picture taken (had to pay a bit extra for them to touch up the pictures so the ringworm and wrestling scabs don't show), we picked up the forms for him to park his truck and carry his cell phone, we ordered a red soccer hoodie with his name emboidered on it, prepaid for at least a couple of months worth of lunches and/or milk, paid his class fee (in leiu of participating in fundraisers), and ordered his homecoming hoodie.
Steven's classes were all fine, and we prepaid for his yearbook and for food/beverages...
At work they finally sprayed for the fleas tonight. We all devoutly hope they have all been killed!!!
One of the guys who works up in the kitchen was arrested for helping to murder an entire family, including a little baby, last year in Ypsilanti. It was some sort of robbery drug related thing. I am very glad I did not know said person.
They still have not caught the peeping tom, but they have changed the air grills in the bathroom doors so you cannot look through them any more.
Movies recently watched:
Confessions of a Teen Aged Drama Queen I thought it would be more all-ages friendly, like The Princess Diaries, but this one is definately meant for tweens and young teens. The big moral of the story is "don't lie". The school production cracked me up. I don't think there are many schools out there that can afford to put on a musical like that, worthy of at least off-Broadway, if not Broadway itself...
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