Busy weekend. had to run a lot of errands... Bill had a soccer scrimmage -- current players against an alumni team. The alumni team spanked the current players, winning by something like six goals. The alumni guys were yelling that they needed oxygen and ben gay, but they played very well. Afterwards was a soccer team meeting and pot luck picnic. Our contribution was a cheesecake, which went quickly.
The new cream is working well on his ringworm. I hope it gets killed before I get it.
Steven will start practices for his travel team this week. Dan signed him up again without telling me, though I will probably be the one to have to haul him all over the place for his weekend games. Whoever invented travel soccer for little kids should be executed. Why does a preteen need to travel an hour or more away in each direction to play soccer when they have a perfectly good in-house league that plays all of its games right here in town? Its ludicrous...and costs a lot more to sign up, too -- not to mention all of the driving time... If Dan had to take Steven to all of the road games himself, I am willing to bet that he would not sign him up...I am not ashamed to admit that I often will take a nap in the car and miss half the game anyway.
Especially if it is pouring rain, sleeting, or snowing, like it sometimes does during the fall season.
I am planning on getting away for my birthday weekend in October. Going to Chicago...I can only turn forty once, so might as do it in a place I like, with people I enjoy being with. I got a room in my favorite hotel, now have to work on getting train tickets.
Have been staying up late watching dvd's of some mini-series the last few nights, which accounts for my grouchiness today (I need more sleep). We are doing a group read at one of my book discussion boards of the science fiction classic Dune so I watched the Dune miniseries, and last night began watching the Children of Dune miniseries. For tv they were well done, and the special effects were better than what I was expecting. Not up to today's CGI feature films, but good enough considering what a tight budget they would have had to work with.
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