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There is getting to be too little book left. Looking at the unread portion, I am at least 3/4 done with it now. And two more long years before book three.
I just hope that this one will not have the cliff hanger ending like Runes!
As the battle (or should that be BATTLES) ends, Linden finds herself exhausted. She has just done a lot of killing, and perhaps her heart is not quite as hard as she thought - or perhaps the woman she sought and worked so hard to be for most of her life is trying to claw her way back out - because Linden immediately tries to help the wounded Woodhelvinnin.
Hyn, her Ranyhyn, carries her amongst the wounded to that she can triage them and try to help the ones who can be saved. As Hyn carries her over the ground covered with killed and wounded innocent bystanders, Linden sees the body of a Master, who was ripped apart by kresh while trying to protect the Woodhelvinnin. And Hyn carries her to two ripped apart elderly people whom Linden feels cannot be saved. But at Hyn's insistence, Linden does what she can for them, questioning all the while if she is still a physician.
Such is the interior life of some victims of abuse in their childhoods. They doubt what is obvious to everyone else, and in times of great stress can emotionally revert to that frightened child who has been taught that s/he is completely worthless.
The other Master who had lived at First Woodhelvin is still alive, but badly wounded. He refuses Linden's help - and once again, she respects his decision. She is indeed now following the basic ethics of her profession!
Linden does what she can for the poor villagers, then turns to the battlefield with the cavewights. There she finds that one of the Ranyhyn, Whrany, has been killed. Others of the Ranyhyn have been badly wounded. And Martiir is barely alive. He is terribly wounded, and both of his eyes have been ripped out of his head.
Linden heals as much of his damage as she can, but she cannot give him back his eyes. The Manethrall will be blind for the rest of his life. Again, Liand uses the orcrest to give her extra strength and to aid her in her healing.
Stave comes to Linden. The Sandgorgons wish to speak to her.
In her exhaustion she tells Stave:
I am not Linden...I'm not her anymore. Somebody else took my place under Melenkurion Skyweir.
This is in a sense, true. Her inner darkness and self doubt have taken overtaken her. She is no longer the woman she has spent her life becoming. She is once again that frightened and angry child who feels that she is worthless. And because of that she DOES want someone to take her place and her responsibilities - the only person she really trusts - Thomas Covenant. And THAT is why she wants so desperately to travel to Andelain. I am not sure what Loric's Krill has to do with this, but in her own conviction of her failure and inadequacy, she is seeking TC...
The Sandgorgons have told Stave that if Linden does not speak with them, they will slaughter the poor villagers. This quite obviously does not bode well.
Linde sends the Humbled off to boil water and find bandages and hurtloam. And then she goes to face the Sandgorgons. It turns out that there is an army of them in the Land. Nom had passed bits of he Raver throughout his people, and thus spread knowledge, lore , and malice among them as well.
They answered Linden's summons out of gratitude to Thomas Covenent, and will never answer her again. They have come to the Land to conquer and rule.
So Linden suggests that they head to Doriender Corishev to have that as their kingdom. And tells them they will have to deal with the skurj to rule in the Land.
Linden once again shows her cleverness and quick intelligence.
Martiir regains consciousness, and tries to get Bhapa to take his place as Manethrall. But Bhapa refuses. The courage and honesty that both Bhapa and Martiir show here is astonishing.
The Sandgorgons depart and Esmer shows back up. Ah, Esmer, what an annoying character you can sometimes be.
But at least in this case, he is clearly being "good Esmer".
Esmer, injured and dirty, uses up his power to gather up all of the corpses and start a huge cremation fire. He makes no distinction betweeen the corpses, or what sides they fought on in the battle. Then he vanishes once more.
The Ranyhyn had found hurtloam and led the Masters to it. The survivors of the battle are all greatly aided by this gift of the Earth. And Linden can finally rest.
Stave explains to Linden that the threat to the villagers will go away as soon as Linden and her party are away from them. The threats will all follow her.
It turns out that the elderly couple that Hyn had insisted that Linden save are the Heers (leaders) of the village. Weak as the two are, they supervise everything to make sure that as much can be done for their people as possible.
After a big communal dinner, the Heers timidly ask Linden to explain what in the heck has happened. Remember their basic ignorance in the Land ruled by the Masters! And Liand, coming into his own after gaining the orcrest, steps forward and explains everything that he can to the villagers.
And in the morning, Liand steps forward once again to cleanse all who are willing of Kevin's Dirt. He tells them that the Masters will take them to Revelstone where they will be safer, and they can cleanse themselves there in Glimmermere. He tells them that the health sense is their birthright.
Liand shows generosity and greatness in that moment - but Stave points out that Lord Foul particularly delights in ruining just such innocence.
They are all so proud of Liand - and so afraid for him.
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