Quote: |
League - Approximately 2.4 to 4.6 statute miles |
Now, I had always thought a league was about three miles (why I thought that, I am unsure
So when someone says that Revelstone is 300 leagues, that could be more than 1200 miles. And that is a heckuva long long way on foot.
ready set go!
In the morning they set out from the granite ravine and travel along the edge of Garroting Deep. They have left the surviving horses behind; ominously Covenant's new mount died during the night.
Covenant and Jeremiah make those weird gates again, as they did to come back to the past. And in this way they jump along the edges of Garroting Deep on their way to Skyweir - with each jump being three or so leagues (or 10 or so miles) at a time.
Covenant and Jeremiah say they are being hunted, by beings they refuse to name - but not the Theomach. And Jeremiah, snotty as always, tells Linden that the trees of garroting Deep like to drink human blood.
The portals are disorienting for Linden. At last she comes to one where she drops the Staff of Law down a steep hillside. As she scrambles to get it, she is captured by the viles.
Now this is a very interesting scene. The viles are a very conflicted race, only in the middle of being corrupted by the ravers. And they mess with your senses - you see and taste sound. This meeting has a near psychedelic quality to it.
(I have loved meeting the various vile races in these Last Chrons. The viles - once high and lofty - in the middle of being corrupted. The evil and creepy demondim. The waynhim, always faithful, always grand and good. The ur-viles, once so evil, now in the service of the Land - faithful as anyone or anything can be to Linden.)
Covenant uses this as an opportunity to try to demand his ring back from Linden.
Linden uses this as an opportunity to try to converse with the viles, and urge them away from their corruption.
And, since not all of the viles are corrupted, it actually seems like it might work. They have come to Garroting Deep to see if the trees and the forestals actually hate them, as the ravers have claimed. And since the trees and forestals do not hate them, perhaps it might have all worked out.
Except for Covenant and Jeremiah, that is. They do something that can only be termed evil here.
Yet, before Linden flees, the viles have let her know that she serves the purposes of others, and that their purpose is not hers....is this yet another warning against Covenant and Jeremiah?
They escape, with a huge pile of wood that Linden is told they will need at Skyweir.
Linden is sickened and grieving over the actions of Covenant and Jeremiah.
God, she missed Thomas Covenant: the man he had once been. Her disappointment in her companions was too profound for indignation.
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