Yesterday I took it really easy. I did start to feel a bit better - the cough seemed to actually do some good, and the stuff in my throat and lungs started breaking up and coming out. So I could breathe better, which helped me feel better in general. No fever. Still sick as heck, but was able to get in my physical therapy exercises (which I had not been able to do for two days) though they made me feel like I was bringing up a lung from the coughing fits they produced. And I did start taking the diuretic yesterday. And that was not so bad at all. I had been afraid it would make me feel like peeing every twenty minutes, like in the last trimester of pregnancy. Instead I did not have to pee more frequently at all - I just peed a lot more when the time came! That is fine - I can live with that quite easily!
Yesterday was a lovely sunny winter day. I took a long nap in the afternoon, bathed in sunshine.
Today it is cold and cloudy and it has been lightly snowing all day long. So it is sort of dismal out there. The snow is above the poor old dog's knees now, and he just goes a few feet from the back door, does his business, and immediately returns inside. I am worried if he goes to far out in the yard that he will not able to get back inside, and I do not know if I can carry him back by myself with this messed up knee (especially as it would be uphill). If either Steven or Dan were home, they could do it - but today they are off at a charity wrestling tournament (to raise money for a family whose house burned down) so it could be really bad if Max goes too far from the house today.
I need to finish this up (along with the recent reads list), go do my first set of exercises, then take a nap!
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