Today I was supposed to have physical therapy at 8AM. Yes, this is after working until midnight last night. Those 8AM appointments are tough on me - I feel really bad for the rest of the day afterward, just tired and completely out of it, due to lack of sleep. Dan knows how rough they are, so is kind enough to drive me both ways on those really early mornings - he does not want me to fall asleep while driving! And it is a true kindness on his part - I cannot give him enough praise on how supportive he has been in these trying times!
This morning, though, I got a reprieve. They called at 7AM to say that my therapist was sick, and not to come in. I felt like a little kid getting a snow day from school! A gift! Sure, the homework will still come due - but not today! I immediately got undressed and went back to bed, where I got two more hours of delicious sleep!
We are getting a little snow today, supposedly from 2-4 inches. We already have at least two tight now. Tomorrow we are supposed to get more - anywhere from 4-8 inches. But the terrible cold has broken, so it will all be OK. It is still hovering just above zero (Fahrenheit) at night, but during the day it is only about ten degrees below freezing, so it is a lot better.
I am just very happy I do not live in upstate New York - I cannot even imagine what 10 feet of snow in seven days would look like, much less to live in that. What would you do with the snow when you clear your sidewalk and your driveway? Where do they put that much snow when they clear the roads? How are they keeping the roofs of the houses and businesses from collapsing? How do you see if there is any oncoming traffic when you come up to an intersection? What a nightmare! I feel really bad about what those people must be going through right now. And I am human enough to be glad that it has not snowed like that here!
Well, no physical therapy until Thursday now. And I have a four day weekend from work coming up! That is a gift! No plans other than going to a play and dinner with Dan on Sunday, and taking in the Jeep for some recall work on Friday. I should actually call and see if I can get an eye doctor appointment for next Monday. I am really looking forward to getting new glasses!
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