Friday, January 6, 2006

this and that

Long, long day. I was up until 4AM last night. I finally was able to go to bed then, as the sickness abated somewhat. I was still running to the bathroom when I got up this morning, though. Yuck. And my back ached all day right over my kidneys - I think from dehydration. Yuck!

Nevertheless, I made it in to work - and it was good that I did, as the entire midnight shift called in. The diarrhea bug is running rampant in our area of the state right now.

Because I was a very good girl and went in to work, I missed the home opening meet of my son's senior wrestling season. And since the middle school scrimmaged tonight, I missed what will probably be the last time my two sons will ever wrestle at the same time and under the same roof, at least in our own town.

Someone has to help take care of sick people. And tonight that was me, though I took less joy in it than usual.

I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself, as I had wanted to go to the wrestling meet so much tonight. It is my son's senior year! I should have been there!

On the other hand, I did get the bills paid last night. I am glad to report that with the exception of the mortgage on our house and mortgage on the apartment building and the interest free Jeep loan - we are free of debt for the first time in our marriage (twenty years). Isn't that amazing? Other than those three long term loans, we do not owe a penny to anyone. And we did not touch any money from my father's estate to do this - that is all safely being held for the kids' college expenses. It was all from our own hard work with our own hands.

I am waiting to see if a disaster will occur soon to make us go back into a lot of debt!

Bill left out a big French class project for me to help him out with tonight. I found it when I got home from work. He had written his autobiography (I was surprised at how much of it I could figure out - I guess I know more French words than I thought) and he asked me to get photos of various very specific people and pets and events to illustrate it with. So I located appropriate photos and mounted them to his report. It took a couple of hours, but it looks good, and it is due tomorrow. A little more notice would have been very nice, but I also know how busy he has been with all of that college paperwork!

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