Well, I've spent the morning on the phone and on the Internet. Ball State will be completely closed on Monday (the students will not even be having classes) so visiting there is out. Which is unfortunate, as their school of architecture is Bill's current first choice, and he would have liked to have toured their facilities. We had gone to the Ball State visit last October, but that was centered on the football game, and we did not specifically tour the architecture school. There doesn't seem to be much point in touring Western Michigan University and their engineering school, as Bill and I will be spending a weekend there at the end of the month.
Northwestern will be open on Monday, so it looks as if we will be heading there after all. Their engineering school is his second choice.
I'm not looking forward to it very much. We will probably head there after all of the wrestling is over on Saturday, which means we will not get to Evanston until the middle of the night (depending on the always evil Chicago/northern Indiana traffic). Sunday will be free, and maybe we can head out to either explore Evanston or head to Chicago on the train for the afternoon, though I would be reluctant to do the latter with the big football game at Soldier Field. Maybe we can just all sleep all day to recover from Saturday and the long drive. On Monday we would be at lectures/meetings and taking formal tours of the campus all afternoon, which would mean we would not get home until the middle of the night, depending on how evil the always evil Chicago/Northern Indiana traffic will be.
Actually, the drive isn't that bad, depending primarily on traffic in northern Indiana. It's the drive on top of spending the day at wrestling tournaments on Saturday, and after spending the entire afternoon at meetings and the like on Monday that will be difficult. I'm sure the kids will spend most of the time on the drive sleeping.
The main reason I am whining, though, is because I really wanted a weekend of rest so that I can possibly finally recover from this endless nasty cold. But given our busy schedules, this is the only way Bill can visit that campus before he is forced to make up his mind about which university to attend. So it will be worth it in the long run.
Enough whining. It's time to do as parents always do, and shut up and suck it up for the sake of my child.
Hopefully the restaurants in Evanston will be as great as the ones I am familiar with in Chicago! That would definitely make the weekend a lot more enjoyable!
It all hinges on finding someone to feed and let out the dog while we are gone now...
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