While on my trip to New York I didn't have too much reading time, as we kept very busy.
But I did sneak in two short mystery books. They were called Some Like it Lethal and Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die. They are the third and fourth books in Nancy Martin's Blackbird Sisters Mysteries series. Like the first two books, these are pretty fun reads. The first of these two deals with blackmail and murder in Philadelphia's high society. The second of the two deals with murder and the debut of a new wonder bra.
Maiden, Matron, Crone
Today I finished reading a very good anthology called Maiden, Matron, Crone, edited by Kerrie Hughes and Martin H. Greenberg.
The stories all deal with one or more aspects of the old European triple goddess that pre-dated Christianity on that continent. Some of the stories read like old legends or myths or vision quests, others are set in the current day in modern cities like Toronto. Some of the authors are "big names" like Charles de Lint, others are authors I have not previously been exposed to. I did not find one poor story in the lot, and most of them are quite good.
In fact, I do not know if I could name one or two stand out stories, as so many of them pleased me.
Contents include:
A Lingering Scent of Bacon by Brenda Cooper
A Choice of Ending by Tanya Huff
Strikes of the Heart by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Misery and Woe by Jean Rabe
In Sight by Charles de Lint
The Gift by Jody Lynn Nye
Bearing Life by Devon Monk
Advice from a Young Witch to an Old Priestess by Rosemary Edghill
The Three Gems of the Fianna by Fiona Patton
The Things She Handed Down by Russell Davis
Seeking Gold by Jane Lindskold
Opening Her Door by Alexander B. Potter
The Unicorn Hunt by Michelle West
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