Well, I think I have helped to talk my friend (the one whose father is terminally ill with cancer) into taking as long as a couple of months off of work. She has the time in her sick leave bank, so there should be no problems with her being paid. Her father's time left sounds like it can be measured in days or weeks rather than months, and she can stay with her parents and help take care of him (in less than a month after initially going to the doctor, he already is very weak). After he passes, she can help her elderly mother. Her parents also have a large camper in the south where they spent winters. This will also possibly give my friend time to deal with that, getting their belongings out and possible selling or moving the camper. I feel so bad for her. I wish I could do more to help.
This, of course, also brings back some very bad memories of when my father got sick and passed only a month later, and I couldn't see him because I myself was sick, and my older son had a concussion, and he lived so far away. I am glad she can be there with her dad, and I do not mind having to work short staffed so that she can be there for him.
The kids had their first day of school today, a half day. Bill is a senior now! Steven was given his list of school supplies and we went out and got him everything he should need between when he got home from school and when I had to go into work. I couldn't do that for Bill, since he had to rush off to physical therapy for his shoulder soon after he got home. I guess we can get his stuff on Friday, as the season's first high school soccer game is tomorrow.
I will miss it, as usual, because of work.
The only game I will be able to watch this year is the one on my birthday, and that's only because I have a vacation day.
I was hoping to be able to be a wee bit selfish and take some time for myself and watch Band of Brothers the next couple of days while the kids are in school -- but it hasn't arrived yet. So I will work in my flower beds the next day or so, since the weather is supposed to be beautiful. Some of my irisesneed to be moved and separated, and I might mail a few roots to a friend or two. And I am planting a lot of bulbs this fall. Billy says that he doesn't want a traditional high school graduation open house, but the cheapest and easiest way I can think of to make the yard lovely next spring if he changes his mind is to plant lots of spring flowering bulbs.
Maybe the dvd's will arrive and I can watch Band of Brothers next week instead...
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