Monday, December 20, 2004

The kids are done with school for two weeks, and I am so happy to have them home!! They seem happy to be home, too.

Dan isn't feeling well these days -- no, not his blood pressure this time, as that is nearly down to the level where the doctors want it to be. This time it is an absessed tooth. He will see the dentist first thing in the morning.

So, as a result, we had a rather quiet weekend. Wrestling practice was even cancelled on Saturday because two of the coaches have that terrible cold that is going around (the one that made me miss a couple of days of work, too).

We got the Christmas tree up and decorated, and watched a couple of movies (I, Robot was a hit for us), and I baked a big pan of homemade gingerbread and served it up warm from the oven with whipped cream.

Today, of course, being Sunday, I worked. Dan and the boys went up to a very big and prestigious wrestling tournament in Montrose. Bill did not wrestle, but Stevie did, and reached his goal in qualifying for the Tournament of Champions in Ohio next spring. .Later this week I will have to send in his papers and make hotel reservations. And since we are about to put in for all of our vacation time for the next year at work, I will have to make sure that I get a long weekend for that tournament.

I love Christmastime, and am so glad that that morning is nearly here.

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