I've been fighting with a bad cold the last few days, but am finally feeling a bit better. Since I have asthma, what is a simple cold in others can sometimes make me quite sick.
Let's see. Saturday I felt pretty bad, with a fever and a headache, but still managed to get down to Blissfield to watch part of Bill's tournament. He took a second, behind a kid who was a regional qualifier last year, so he did quite well. Steven had what everyone was calling a national caliber tournament. Teams came from as far away as Iowa and Wisconsin to compete. Steven went 1-2 for the day, and the kid he beat had won third place in a national tournament last spring. Steven lost his other two matches by points in close bouts. All three of the kids he faced were from other (and different) states. Dan was told that if he qualifies for any national tournaments again this year, to please take him (he qualified for two national chamionships last year, but we did not take him to either).
We had tickets to go see the Broadway play Evita in Detroit Saturday night, but we didn't go because I was feeling so sick. I dragged home from Blissfield and went to bed until Tuesday afternoon.
This Friday night is our work dinner, at a nice barbecue restaurant in Ypsilanti. On Saturday Bill has a tournament up near Frankenmuth, and Steven has one near Lansing on Sunday (which I won't be able to go to, as I will be working). We'll have to leave the Frankenmuth area and drive to Lansing for the Saturday night weigh-in. Then come home, and Dan and Steve will leave early Sunday morning for the tournament.
Hopefully we can get our Christmas tree up sometime this weekend, too. Tomorrow I need to get the bills paid and do a bit of grocery shopping before work.
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