Woke up in a more timely fashion today and got breakfast at the hotel. The called Danlo to see how his leg was doing.
I am so glad he felt up to going, because you could not ask for a better or more knowledgable person to have with you.
Previously, I had only seen pictures of her work in magazines and books, and always of those huge flowers. The museum had an exhibition of her New Mexico landscapes, painted in the most vivid colors you could ever imagine. Believe me, those books and magazines do not even begin to do justice to her artwork.
We also drove around Santa Fe for a bit, looking at all of the mansions (some with their own private heliports
On the way back to Albuquerque instead of taking the freeway, we took a surface road called the Turquoise Trail. It led through charming old mining towns that have been taken over by artists and turned into art colonies.
We came back into Albuquerque from the east (a stunning way to come into town, through a gap in the Sandia Mountains, as John pointed out.
When we were finished Danlo and his Lady came to the hotel for a little while to soak in the hot tub. His poor leg definately needed that, and she had had a tough day at work and needed the relaxation, too. I stayed behind and printed out some pics for them in the room, as my ankle was still bleeding.
Day Eleven
Got up, ate breakfast, packed the Jeep, and got ready to go. There was a lost toddler at the front desk of the hotel. They had found him wandering the hallways, and had called every guest room, but no one would admit to having lost him. He was obviously terrified, and his diaper was soaked through with urine.
We drove through the desert on a main highway up to Colorado. It was beautiful, as nearly every part of New Mexico we had seen was.
We stopped off at Aztec Castle National Monument to visit the ruins there. People had lived at that site for about 2000 years, though the Pueblo ruins dated back to Chacoan times. The people who live there must have been tiny, as even Mr. Sunshine, age 11, had to duck to get through the doors (I had to crawl to get through some of them, and I am 5'6"). They had a reconstructed great kiva there, and that was really interesting to visit.
We then drove up to Durango, Colorado. This is my second visit to Durango, and both times I have had the same weird and overwhelming feeling I have never had any place else I have ever been -- that I have come home, that this is the place I was born to live in.
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