It is sort of centered around the old Spanish town square/plaza. While we were there, in fact, a wedding was taking place on the grassy plaza.
Day Nine
We all slept in late. In fact, we slept in so late, we missed the free breakfast the hotel supplies.
We then visited the University of New Mexico campus.
Afterwards, we visited Old Town Albuquerque. Dan and the boys had not visited it on Saturday with the group (they had headed out to the waterpark, which turned out to be rented by a huge private party that day, but that is all a whole different story). We went to the restaurant where John and I had gotten our lemonaid and got some of the hot sauces with the naughtiest names to send to some people in Dan's family. And we went to the cat store and bought catnip goodies for Danlo and Tam's cats, and to bring home for our own.
Then we retuned to the hotel. Dan and the kids went swimming, and I slept for most of the afternoon. When I woke up we went over to Danlo and Tam's house, and he led us to a beautiful, shady park where he and the kids, and some kids from the neighborhood, all played soccer. Sweet, sweet Jam came with us, and didn't want to be separated from her Daddy. She kept coming on to the field so she could sit next to Danlo.
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