Today marked the beginning of the travel soccer season. Steven had a home game against Ypsilanti. He played the whole game, and made several good defensive plays. After his game we went to Big Boy and got sandwiches.
Bill then had a late night home game under the lights, against a team from Monroe. He played his usual chippy game, knocking people flat on their butts all over the place. Steven got very hungry during the game, so we walked up to one of the pizza places in town. He ate half of a large pizza all by himself. The growth spurt continues.
It gave me this vision of the long drive to New Mexico, and having to call my friend John every couple of hours on my cell phone "Can we stop again at the next exit? Steven's hungry!!!"
I have been doing laundry like a crazy woman all weekend, so I have clothes to pack to take down south...I need to do at least a couple more loads, then I can hopefully start packing. We are taking the truck down to Arkansas, so it's going in to be looked at on Monday. My car will go in to be looked at when we are gone -- there's just so many miles on it, I want to get the brakes and engine checked before we take it out to New Mexico (as it looks like we might). I did get to see the two soccer games, and got to take the dog for a nice, long walk today
, but most of the weekend was spent working here at home (along with the fruitless trip to Pontiac). As usual, I will return to work tomorrow exhausted.
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