Thursday, April 15, 2004

The kids were in school today...I feel tired and a bit out of sorts. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. Work was unhappy, one of the pharmacists I work with and consider a good friend is having problems at work, and might well have to visit the union soon. There seems to be a lot of that these days.

I am going to head up to Pontiac on Friday to see if I can track down my parents' will. I can remember them doing a will when I was a child. I can remember having to wait in the lobby of the office of a lawyer in Rochester at least twice while they were meeting with the lawyer. I remember how boring it was. I can even remember what they told me was in the will -- everything to be split evenly between all of their children, and that if they died while I was still a child, I would be raised by my Aunt Nadine and Uncle Bob. My guess is that the will is probably on file in Oakland County, as they were living in Lake Orion at the time, and their lawyer was in Rochester. My oldest sister is handling the estate, and that is perfectly fine with me, as she is responsible and very competant. But if I can save money for her and for the estate by finding the will, I feel that I should do so. My friends have been giving me horror stories about how much money lawyers and probate can suck up if there is no will...

They have also been telling me stories of Depression era relatives, and the bizarre places they hide money and jewelry...some of the ones that amaze me most are sewing money in the sleeves of sweaters and hanging them in the closet, inside the covers of heat ducts, sewn in to the hems of the backs of curtains, taped to the bottom of the second to last piece of tupperware in a pile, and frozen in the bottom of an old fashioned metal ice tray. And then of course, there are stashes under the carpeting, pinned to the back of a couch,taped to the back of heavy pieces of furniture, and little pockets filled with money sewn onto the sides of sofa cushions.

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