What are the five worst books you have read in the past five years? Note: they do not have to be published in the past five years, you only have had read them in that time frame. And please give a brief reason of why you did not like them. 
My List (no particular order):
Terry Goodkind's Pillars of Creation:
All of the books in the SOT series was pretty bad, but this one took the cake. I am someone cursed with not giving up on a series once I have started it, but this book was so bad I dropped the series like a steaming hot squishy dog turd that somehow made it into my hand. From an evil character blowing up a poor living chicken like a balloon to kill it for kicks (what is it with Goodkind and fowl anyway?) to the nobility of goats, and the adventures of a sociopathic rapist/murderer, I just could not take it anymore.
Laurell K. Hamilton's Danse Macabre:
Another series killer, though at least (unlike Goodkind) the first several books of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series were fun little supernatural mysteries. Literally no plot, though there were a couple of strands of something that might have become a plot if the author had bothered to develop them. Mostly very boring and badly written sex scenes, very boring and badly written scenes of vampire politics (all revolving around whose servants could enter into sexual service to Anita Blake next), and endless emo angsting about sex. Yuck. This is what happens when writers go bad. And the how the hell can sex be so boring????
Christopher Paolini's Eragon:
Not an original thought in a rather lengthy book. I wonder if George Lucas can sue for a plot that so closely follows Star Wars Episode Four?
Nights With Sasquatch
I do not think I could say anymore about this awful little book - the title says it all.
Rita Mae Brown's Cat's Eyewitness:
I have recently given up on this long lasting mystery series. While the last two books, Sour Puss and Puss 'n Cahoots were truly craptactular, in restrospect, this is the book where the author jumped the shark on her Mrs. Murphy Mysteries. She took long developed characters and abruptly changed their personalities, and even, in one case, sexual orientation. But the worst thing was turning all of the characters into mouthpieces for her political and social views. Sorry, I do not need to hear the author's political beliefs through the mouths of cats.
God, I hate preachy writers. If you want to wax on endlessly about your views on politics and society, please write an editorial for your local paper - do not pervert a long standing best selling mystery series with that crap.
So which books have completely turned you off?
My List (no particular order):
Terry Goodkind's Pillars of Creation:
All of the books in the SOT series was pretty bad, but this one took the cake. I am someone cursed with not giving up on a series once I have started it, but this book was so bad I dropped the series like a steaming hot squishy dog turd that somehow made it into my hand. From an evil character blowing up a poor living chicken like a balloon to kill it for kicks (what is it with Goodkind and fowl anyway?) to the nobility of goats, and the adventures of a sociopathic rapist/murderer, I just could not take it anymore.
Laurell K. Hamilton's Danse Macabre:
Another series killer, though at least (unlike Goodkind) the first several books of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series were fun little supernatural mysteries. Literally no plot, though there were a couple of strands of something that might have become a plot if the author had bothered to develop them. Mostly very boring and badly written sex scenes, very boring and badly written scenes of vampire politics (all revolving around whose servants could enter into sexual service to Anita Blake next), and endless emo angsting about sex. Yuck. This is what happens when writers go bad. And the how the hell can sex be so boring????
Christopher Paolini's Eragon:
Not an original thought in a rather lengthy book. I wonder if George Lucas can sue for a plot that so closely follows Star Wars Episode Four?
Nights With Sasquatch
I do not think I could say anymore about this awful little book - the title says it all.
Rita Mae Brown's Cat's Eyewitness:
I have recently given up on this long lasting mystery series. While the last two books, Sour Puss and Puss 'n Cahoots were truly craptactular, in restrospect, this is the book where the author jumped the shark on her Mrs. Murphy Mysteries. She took long developed characters and abruptly changed their personalities, and even, in one case, sexual orientation. But the worst thing was turning all of the characters into mouthpieces for her political and social views. Sorry, I do not need to hear the author's political beliefs through the mouths of cats.
So which books have completely turned you off?
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