Wednesday, May 23, 2007

still sort of down

I'm still really down about that lady having ovarian cancer. It had spread to her uterus, and she had a tumor the size of a grapefruit. And she had no symptoms at all - not even her periods had been affected. She found out by a fluke - she twisted funny getting into her car, and thought she had pulled a muscle or something from the resulting pain. She went to the doctor because of the pain from the "muscle pull" and it turned out the be the previously mentioned tumor the size of a grapefruit.

And this is one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet. No one deserves to have cancer, but of all the people in the world, why her? Someone who always puts other people before herself?

Ah well. She starts chemo this week...

Work has been busy this week. We are short a lot of people.

Dan has been frantically busy as well. He has a couple of tight deadlines this week.

We are all looking forward to the coming long weekend!

Tigers on Saturday, baby!!!!!!!!!!

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