The roaring of a high wind woke me up this morning. I am hoping that no more large trees will come down in our yard. The one that came down and blocked the road was more than enough.
Somehow I did make it through work last night, despite the aching knee. Four more nights to go this week!
The Tigers finally managed to beat the White Sox yesterday, and the Wings won their playoff series against the Flames early this morning in the second overtime of game six. I was really glad they won - game five on Saturday had devolved into one of the uglier hockey games I have seen in a long time, and mostly due to Calgary.
I was up way too late last night trying to get some emoticons up on my friend Danlo's internet discussion board. I never could get anything to work right, and got woken up far too early by the roaring wind.
Tonight I think I will just come home and relax rather than working anymore on those emoticons!
We are now something like 3 weeks without a washing machine. I had to go buy new socks and underwear for everyone. And Dan keeps telling me he does not want me going to a laundromat, as they are creepy. I am getting very frustrated with life.
So, here are some of the unexpected expenses we have run into lately:
water heater needs repair (only two years old)
washing machine needs repair or replacement (only five years old)
need to rent a log splitter to cut apart the tree
several repairs on Dan's truck
chain saw needs repair
dish washer needs repair
Throw those on top of buying a new rider lawn mower for Dan (the old one had become unusable) last fall and getting Bill his laptop (and yes - being the good and responsible kid he is, he did pay for part of it) last winter and all of a sudden money is getting pretty tight. Also throw in the fact that the desktop computer needs to be replaced, as it is several years old and running very poorly. We also need to have the septic tank pumped out and the chimney cleaned. Throw in the really bad economy (the local newspapers have recently started calling what is going on in the is area a depression as it has been so bad for so long around here and so many more jobs are getting lost all the time) and we are starting to get pretty nervous.
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