I still had a low grade nagging headache today. That will probably stay until the bad weather that is causing this problem arrives later this week. I think the storm will be bad - the earlier before the storm the headache comes, and the worse the headache, the worse the storm usually is. When it gets here, the temperature will plunge and we will get heavy rain (the western part of the state will get heavy snow).
Made up for being a sick slacker at work tonight. I scrubbed and stocked everything I could scrub and stock. I did the work of two people to make up for being half of a person (at best) yesterday.
At home I continued to decorate for Christmas. I love doing that! And I got the next two day's lessons ready for Steven. It was hard preparing material for the planet Uranus. I have a sick sense of humor, and all I could think of was off color jokes, which, of course, I could not say or use. Why in the world did they give such a name to a planet? If they had run out of appropriate Greco-Roman mythological names, why not something Hindu or Norse?
I even managed to do some Christmas shopping, as the little store at work was open late.
Tomorrow I will run a quick errand or two and continue to decorate the house. Thursday will be a huge laundry day. I am hoping Friday, when the weather will be rotten, I will be able to watch some movies.
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