Well, after another rough week we are nearly ready to leave on vacation. The bags are packed except for medicine and toiletries and a few odds and ends like the cell phone chargers. I have new memory cards for the digital cameras (mine is one gig - hee hee hee - it will hold hundreds of pictures even with my 4meg camera) and plenty of batteries. We all have enough clothes for eight days, plus at least once extra change each. Dan and I both have a nice outfit packed in case we get a chance to go to Pops for Champagne. And yes, I have all of the tickets! And directions to the hotels!
<----Pops for Champagne
In the morning we have to wash any last minute dishes, take out the last bit of kitchen trash, and take the dog to the kennel. I even gave all of the plants a good soaking yesterday.
Wednesday broke my heart. It was the last time I will ever be able to work with John, one of the best pharmacists and nicest people I have ever known.
He is transferring out to Las Vegas next week.
His last day will be while I am gone.
Time for a shower now, and then a good night's sleep.
It should be a wonderful week!!!
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