Today is a surprisingly gorgeous spring day. Not too hot, not too cold - and the sun is bright as anything! It's close to being a perfect day. You should see the tulips blooming right outside the back door. They are bright red with yellow in the middle, and they have three rows or ruffled petals - more rose shaped than tulip shaped - they are simply stunning.
Have been spending the day paying bills and stuff like that. Hopefully I can get finished when I get home from work tonight. That will be one task done for the month!
I did watch one of my netflix rentals this morning. The three movies have been sitting there a week or so, and I finally got around to opening them this morning. One of the three was fine. One was cracked in half. One was shattered in a bunch of pieces like broken glass. I was really surprised.
It's the first time I have had any problems with them like that - though I suspect that the discs were damaged somewhere in the mail.
Work had calmed down a lot last night. I had been completely dreading going in, but things were a lot better than last week. It was actually pleasant.
Dan and Bill burned a lot of leaves yesterday - the piles are still smoldering. I went into town early and got some prescriptions refilled and then farted around at the bookstore before going in to work.
My former friend has been hanging around a lot all of a sudden in the places and with the people where our worlds intersect. Every time I see or hear that he has been around, I feel like throwing up. That is obviously my problem, not his, and I have to find a way to deal with it.We both have a perfect right to be in those places, and we both have a lot of mutual friends that neither one of us should have to give up. So I have to find a way to deal with wanting to puke whenever he is around. Short of leaving those places and people myself. Well, I'll be out of town a lot and/or very busy towards the end of the month and into next month. Maybe just being too busy to be in those places and with those friends will help with my disgusting problem.
Maybe I will have outgown that urge by the time I have more time?????
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