Got woken up (out of a wonderful sound sleep) this morning by a phone call. The person mentioned that it would have been a great morning to sleep in. That made me curious, so as I staggered out of bed, I pulled open the blinds -- and the ground was covered with snow, and it's still coming down pretty good. It's beautiful, but I do not want to drive in it. The first ground covering snow each and every winter is one of the most dangerous drives of the year, even if its only an inch or two. People seem to forget how to drive in the snow since the previous winter, and there are always a lot of accidents.
That said, because of the phone call I now need to leave the house early. It was about the wrestling tournament this weekend, and what I needed to bring for the team to eat.
Now, going to a grocery store the day before Thanksgiving is always a terrifying thing. Everyone and their mama realizes at the last minute that they forgot something for the holiday feast, so the store is insanely crowded.
But going to any store the day after Thanksgiving is even worse. The number and grouchiness of the shoppers on that day of the year is legendary. A local legend is the Wal-Mart TV riot a few years ago, when there was a small riot in a local Wal-Mart store over low priced televisions, when it turned out that the store did not have enough in stock. Shoppers were punching each other out and breaking store windows over those stupid televisions. Good grief! The husband of one of my friends was there, and he said it was a very uncomfortable place to be. I can believe him whole heartedly.
So, of the two choices, I need to go out today to get my two boxes of granola bars for the team.
I wonder how much snow we'll have on the ground by the time I have to drive home from work at midnight tonight?
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