My teenaged son, who is a wonderful, responsible, sweet human being. Likewise his friends. These kids give me hope for the future.
As an example, when the kids were in France last summer, there was a huge rain storm while they were in Paris. It was the strongest storm anyone in Paris could remember. The store that the kids ran into to get out of the downpour had a roof leak. They helped the shopkeeper move all of his merchandise out from under the leak -- and they were happy to do it, according to their teachers. The kids felt it was a little way they could repay all of the kindness that had been shown them by the people they had met in France.
As far as that goes, my younger son as well. He's my little sweetheart. He rececently asked me if we could afford to give some extra money to our monthly donation to the local food bank, to help any hurricane victims who made it up here and might need help getting food.
The sheer loveliness and beauty of the colors of the autumn -- the leaves like living jewels in the sunshine, the bright orange pumpkins in the fields.
The look in my old doggy's eyes when he looks up at me. Talk about the purity of love.
The simple kindness and friendliness of nearly everyone I know, and everyone I meet. People are just so cool.
The fire and passion of live instrumental jazz.
The first flowers of spring (usually snow crocuses) popping up through the snow.
I love looking at pictures of my children, too. On a bad day, it helps remind me of what's really important in this world.
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