Ah, the horror of another major terrorist attack, this time in London, England, killing dozens of innocent people going about their daily business, wounding hundreds. Who needs Satan or Hell when people are capable of doing such things to each other? How can anyone be willing to do such things to other people? How????
And yet people are capable of such incredible kindness, such goodness to each other. There is such beauty in people. We all carry that bit of the divine in each of us, that marks us the children of God. When we commit acts of kindness, acts of beauty, acts of generosity -- write meaningful books, poems, create stunning works of art -- write or perform moving music -- we are showing that divine spark which we all carry within us.
For every morning in New York, Madrid, and now London, where a few people show what monsters people can be -- there a million softly sung melodies of kindness and of love -- from a mother cradling and feeding her babe, to the countless ones who dedicate their lives caring for the sick, to the strangers who stop and help others in trouble.
Perhaps in time those soft songs of love will drown out those screams of fury.
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