It's been an interesting weekend with vehicles. On Friday we got my son's little Chevy S10 back. It's the one he turned over on the side of the freeway because he was messing with his radio instead of paying attention to the road and hit a sign.
I have to commend the Chevy dealer in Ann Arbor. You literally wouldn't know it had ever been in an accident!! The bill was nearly $7000. They pretty much had to completely replace/rebuild the left half of the truck. My son payed the insurance deductable with his part time earnings. So that went well and all was good. 
On Friday night, on our way back from Toledo, we blew out a tire on the freeway in the middle of nowhere. It was after midnight, very dark, and drizzling rain. Dan wanted to change the tire, but there was no way I was letting anyone out with all of the traffic wizzing by at 80MPH. So we called AAA and it took over an hour for a truck to get out to us. It turned out that we couldn't have changed the tire ourselves anyway -- the Jeep has locking lugnuts, and there was no key. So the guy with the tow truck patched the tire and we limped the 30 miles home.
Fast forward to today (Sunday). Dan thought it should be OK for me to drive to work on surface roads, as the tire patch was holding fine. I got about five miles from home, and the Jeep started driving really oddly. I thought it was the tire again. I pulled into the parking lot of one of those huge hardware stores, and called home. Dan promised to come get me in the little Chevy. In the meantime, I called work to let them know I would be late, and called a friend for a chat.
There was this weird light on my dashboard that had lit up when the Jeep started driving funny, and I thought it must have something to do with the tire. I looked it up in the owner's manual when I got done talking to my friend -- and it was an engine malfunction light!!
And it was blinking frantically! 
Long and short, the Jeep is at the dealer, and I am now driving my son's tiny truck. Since he is at wrestling camp down in Ohio for the next few days he will not need it himself to get to work. I am really glad that the Chevy dealer got done with it when they did! 
We are now trying to figure out alternatives for our vacations if the Jeep is not useable for whatever reason (worse case scenario). We can use the huge Dodge Ram to pull the camper for our camping trip here in state.
But the Ram has nearly 200,000 miles on it and we can't take that hoopty thing to New York. It would not survive the mountains in Pennsylvania. And the Chevy S10 only holds two adults, and there are four of us. So we might end up getting last minute train tickets or something, if we have to. 
I need ice cream. 
I also need to read some more Harry Potter.