Friday, June 24, 2005

Just finished reading a little book called The Final Season by Tom Stanton. He tells the story of the last season the Detroit Tigers played in Tiger Stadium. But the story is really about male bonding through the generations through love of sports, and time spent together at the stadium by grandfathers, fathers, uncles, and sons.

If we have felt loved as children, we yearn as adults to give back to our parents. We try to repay them with time and attention for all the gifts they bestowed never expecting any in return. We yearn to show them that their investment paid off and to prove that the sacrifices were worthwhile. We aim to make up for the sleepless nights we caused while out late with friends speeding through subdivisions and sipping Boone's Farm wine. We aim to erase the little injustices we did, the times we doubted them, the times we chastised them for something as silly as jangling the coins in their pockets.

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