Some of my favorite jazz albums:
I do not claim that these are groundbreaking, earth shattering, or particularly influential. But these are the ones I keep coming back to again and again:
1. Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong
Best of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
Two great legends performing together at their best. What could ever be better? I've been in love with Ella's voice for years, and its fun hearing Louis use his voice like he would his trumpet!
2. Maceo Parker
Life on Planet Groove
Just flat out fun and funky.
3. Steve Turre
first rate jazz featuring the mellow sound of the trombone rather than the searing trumpet
4. Chris Botti
When I Fall in Love
lush, romantic, and beautiful -- perfect for serious cuddling in front of a fireplace and other such activities
5. Dave Brubeck
Jazz Impressions of Eurasia
Dave Brubeck toured the world in the aftermath of WW2 as an American good will ambassador...this album, featuring a variety of rythyms and sounds from mnay different cultures, all mixed lovingly with jazz is the lasting result
6. John Coltrane
A Love Supreme
a jazz symphony, revolving around loving God, in four movements -- the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra also has a first rate recording of this piece
7. Dave Brubeck
Jazz Impressions of Japan
beautiful music mixing the sounds of American jazz with traditional Japanese music
8. Sarah Vaughan
The Essential Sarah Vaughan
one of most beautiful and moving voices in jazz at her best
9. The Rippingtons
jazz with a Southwestern feel, reminds me of good times with good people at Elohimfest
10. Lena Horne
Greatest Hits
another of the Great Ladies, her best songs and her lovely voice

Well, yesterday was a pretty bad day. Bill wrecked his little truck in the afternoon. He is OK, and that is all that matters. The truck itself is supposedly fixable. And that is why I had collision insurance on it...
I have to give my son credit. He has serious courage -- more than a lot of adults (male and female alike) that I know. When I asked him what happened, he looked me in the eye and said he was going too fast and was messing around with his radio instead of giving full attention to the road. Hehit something and rolled the truck. The cops didn't even give him a ticket, I think because he was equally upfront and honest with them. No excuses, no whining -- just quietly and fully and honestly taking responsibility for his own actions. Whenever I think its not possible to be any more proud of that kid, he proves me wrong and finds a way to make me even prouder.
Yesterday and today I ran lots of errands getting things ready for his trip to France and Spain. Tonight and tomorow we will pack, Monday I get to run him to the airport and see him on his way. There were so many little things to get done - like adding an international calling plan to our cell phones and getting an adaptor so he can plug in his cell phone charger in Europe. I am hoping I did get everything done that I was supposed to do!
We went to the Tigers game yesterday, even after the truck wreck. We thought it might cheer Bill up, and by the seventh inning he was smiling and telling jokes about how bad the Tigers are (and they were pretty bad, as they were shut out and even managed toi leave three men stranded in the ninth inning).
While Bill is gone, I have promised to teach Stevie how to bake! So we have all sorts of stuff to make muffins, cookies, cakes, brownies, biscuits, etc. etc. Should be both good and tasty.