Sunday, March 6, 2005

A lovely, sunny warm day. The snow is all melting and there are even a couple of patches of dry ground in the backyard, though the drift areas are still nearly knee deep. The storm passed to the north, and all is lovely here.

Ran into a wonderful quote this morning, in a mystery novel, of all things:

Quote: Brooks didn't care for the fear part, but she kept that to herself. "Uncle Thomas, how do I know that God loves me?"

He blinked, then replied with a depth of feeling that reached each of them. "Every time you behold the Blue Ridge Mountains, every time you feel a snowflake on your eyelashes, every time you see a frog on a lily pad, every time a friend gives you his hand, Brooks, God loves you. You are surrounded by His love. We look for it in all the wrong places as we pray for worldly success. We say that it must be proof of God's love. Some people pray not for material success but for an easy life." He shook his head. "No, even our pains are a sign of His love, for they will lead you to the right path, if you'll only listen."

~Rita Mae Brown

I ended up calling in sick to work today, a shame on such a lovely day. I just had a headache I couldn't get rid of. Was even more mystified to get an email from one of my sisters (not the one I've been infuriating, one of the ones with whom everything is fine). She has to cancel the trip to West Virginia, due to a family emergency in her husband's family, and she also mentioned that the sister who is so angry at me cancelled first! I do not know what to think of all is very strange at times...

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