Well, I ended up spending most of this week in bed coughing my lungs out. It seems that when I get a bad cold it will often get my asthma going, and knocks me out of commission for a few days. Darn it.
Wednesday was Dan's birthday. I dragged out of bed to go with Dan to go watch Steven wrestle. He, and his asthma, were also affected by this bad cold we've all had. He had no energy, but still somehow managed to win his match, against a kid who outweighed him by at least ten pounds. The coaches have been doing that -- having him wrestle up at least ten pounds all season, so that when he gets to the various championships and wrestles kids at his weight they will seem light to him. But this was not a good day for that. His nose started bleeding and he coughed up blood, and I couldn't bear to watch it. In fact, he missed school on Thursday and today on Friday.
After the wrestling we picked up some pizzas , and birthday cake
, and ice cream.
The three of us came home, ate, and sent Steven to bed. Bill had gone out to Chelsea with the high school team so that they could watch the high school team regionals, so after he came home and ate, the rest of us all went to bed, too. Bill was so tired, he also missed school on Thursday, but went back today.
Yesterday was just a waste. Stayed in bed except for taking hot showers, which help a lot with the breathing. Made sure Steven was drinking plenty of fluids and was resting.
Today I actually got up and got dressed, and did laundry all day. We all ate tacos and watched a Harry Potter movie tonight. It was restful.
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