The parking lot at the township hall was full, and people were having to park in the cornfield next to the parking lot. They must have been anticipating a big turn out, because they had dumped a couple of loads of gravel down in the field, so people won't get stuck in the mud (it's been raining a lot here lately).
Every other time I've voted since I moved to this house, there has only been a couple of other people there at the same time I was. Certainly not a huge line like today. I don't even want to know what it was like this evening when the day shift workers get off and head to the polls.
I do not like either Kerry or Bush. Someone I know said it was like choosing between a douche bag and a turd sandwich. It was a joke, but I can see a lot of truth in that joke. I was really surprised the other day when our local paper refused to endorse either candidate, saying America deserves a better choice than these two guys. That summarized my own feelings very well. But there were four local tax issues on the ballot -- and I would have had to be hospitalized to be kept away from voting on the gay marriage amendment. I voted against the gay marriage ban -- I have very strong feelings about it, thinking it is a human rights abuse.If an individual person is against gay marriage, then they should be free not to enter into one. If a religious group has a problem with gay marriage, then they should be free to not allow such ceremonies in their house of worship. However, enforcing such a religious view upon society as a whole is very, very wrong -- as is denying a basic societal right to a minority group. Unfortunately, this misguided piece of institutional discrimination will probably pass.
But if not for those local issues, I might have been tempted to drive right on by, seeing that mob!
And -- as Americans we are free to vote or not as we see fit.
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