Today I took Bill to the doctor. His ankle istill bothering him a great deal. They are leaving the cast on for another week, then taking it off and seeing what is what -- and they might just put another one right back on. The xrays from the ER did not give a definative answer on whether it was sprained or broken.
Stevie, on the other hand, is doing better. The infected areas have stopped oozing pus, and are scabbed over nicely, with no new infections appearing. He is full of energy and wants to play soccer on Saturday!
With all of this going on, I am not ready for Halloween at all. I have to buy candy for the little trick or treaters, and pumpkins! I didn't get any decorations up this year -- not even Templeton, our huge rubber rat. But my children are the most important thing that I know of in all of the world, and their health and happiness takes first priority.
Speaking of which, weather permitting (supposed to be thunderstorms so might not) they are planning on doing something tomorrow night that will make them very happy. They have a little MSU Spartan doll and they are planning on blowing it up with fireworks in honor of this weekend's UM/MSU football game. I will finally go grocery shopping tomorrow, and I will pick up meat and cheese and sub buns and chips and dips, so we can have our own little tailgate party this weekend, while we blow up Sparty.
Bill and I are greatly enjoying having itunes. We have copied some of my cd's and I have set him up a $10/month allowance through itunes and aol so he can buy music. He helps with the housework and yardwork, helps his father with his business, participates in 2 sports, and still somehow brings home straight A's. The allowance is well earned.
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