The sun was actually out for awhile today, though has been raining steadily through most of the night.
Labor Day was a quiet day. Bill had a soccer practice (supposedly the school district was going to crack down on mandatory practices on Sundays and holidays this year, but they are apprently not). Steven's best friend came over for a few hours. We barbecued our dinner and ate outside until the mosquitos came out...
The Prince and Me
A Cinderella story with the lovely and talented Julia Stiles as the Cinderella girl, who grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and is now a very serious pre-med student at U-Wis Madison. There she falls in love with the disguised Prince of Denmark, and he with her.
Parts of the movie are unintentionally howlingly hilarious. At Thanksgiving, Wisconsin is portrayed as sunny and green, with shirt sleeve weather.Following the movie time line, Denmark is shown at Chrsitmas break at the height of summer, filled with green grass and butterflies.
You got to wonder if people from a place like Southern California, without real seasons came up with all that...
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