Thursday, June 3, 2004

Last month, May, was not only the wettest May in history for this area, but it was the second wettest month in history, period. And that's saying a lot, given how much snow we sometimes get. June is also off to a wet start. It poured all day was a nice surprise to get out of work tonight and see a clear sky and a huge full moon!

School is winding down for the kids...less than two weeks left. I hope there will be at least one dry day for Steven's school picnic...they'll play softball and grill hotdogs. And I think Bill has another payment due soon for next year's school trip to Europe....that will be such an awesome experience for him! He's looking forward to getting to New Mexico in hopes of picking up a bit of Spanish. He's been studying French, and the trip will be going to both France and Spain. And Steven has been studying Latin American history all year, and can't wait to see the Palace of the Governors, the historic pueblos, and the ancient ruins of New Mexico. And like me, they both love the mountains and the canyons, the wildlife, the wildflowers and the clean, clear air...

One more day of work and then the weekend. Thank God. The third Harry Potter movie is coming out this weekend, and tomorrow I should try to get tickets for the children!

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