Thursday, January 29, 2004

The poem about my father finally finshed baking tonight, and came spilling out at work, making me cry. Luckily I was in an area where I am very isolated from other people, so was able to capture it, and cry, without people getting concerned.

The drive home was better tonight, though there was still blowing snow. The police officers warned us about not using the freeway due to black ice, so all went well on the surface roads.
Steven was very tired today and crept into bed next to me and snuggled and slept.

He is such a sweet little guy. And his feet are nearly as big as mine now! Amazing! :)
Dan waited up for me tonight, said he was concerned, but I sent him on to bed. I don't even know how to talk to him anymore, and his way of showing concern usually means stepping and in and taking over whatever he thinks needs taking over. Thanks, but no thanks. :(

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