Over the last couple of days my stomach has been very grouchy with me and has been demanding real food. As I have not had any more diarrhea since late last week, I tried to expand my diet a bit to Italian style vegetable soup for lunch, with plenty of crackers - and lots of hot tea with sugar to wash it down. My stomach has shrunk quite a bit, and so I could not eat all of it, but goodness it was glorious after eating so much apple sauce and jello. No diarrhea since, so hopefully it agreed with my body and I can gradually go on to eat more foods. And maybe in a few days drink the huge glass of milk I have been craving! It sucks to have bad guts.
Today I watched a dvd a friend lent me - Miss Potter - a charming movie about children's writer Beatrix Potter. It was luminous, just beautiful. I have three more dvd's from friends to watch, and will hopefully find time to watch them by say...Sunday. That way I can try to return them in a decent turn around time.
Friday will be the annual wrestling pig roast dinner fund raiser. Dan and I and Steven will help on Friday night with doing weigh-ins for the weekend's tournaments.
I have been quietly planning my next few reads. I need to read the Hugo nominated novels, something I try to do each year. Then I think I wish to reread Moorcock's Elric stories. Then I think I will read Greg Keye's four book fantasy series that started with The Briar King, as it has now been finished up. All with a few mysteries and general fiction novels sprinkled in for a bit of flavor.
The roads last Friday with the big storm were terrible. One of the respiratory therapists who works at the same hospital that I do was killed in an accident on her way to work. She was a hero, who died for her patients. It is still tragic and depressing, though, and I feel really bad for her friends and her family.
We fianlly got the 2008 holiday and vacation schedule at work. Now I have to try to figure out what I want to do, especially considering the elderly feeble dog. We cannot leave him for more than an hour or two or with a pet sitter, cannot take him,and cannot board him...