After I went to the doctor and started on the new meds, I started to feel a bit better. Steven started feeling a lot better.
But then a few odd things happened...
On Thursday one of the midnight people called in, and the computers were taken down for routine maintenance. So I volunteered to stay after my shift ended, for what was supposed to be a couple of hours...well, the computers did not come back up, so I did not end up getting home until nearly 5AM.
Which made my health backslide...
On Friday, the only thing that got me out of bed was to pee, spend time with Steven, and Bill calling to say he was coming home for the weekend, and he would be home in about four hours! The latter actually got me up and even got me dressed. I went to the grocery store and got more food!
It was wonderful beyond words, having Bill here for the weekend!
Saturday I stayed home and spent time with both of my sons, which is the best thing in all the world. 
In the evening Dan and I went to the big jazz concert. I did not want to leave the house, but we already had the tickets, and it turned out to be wonderful. So I am glad we went, but it was raining and misting, and I got wet and cold every time we went outside...
So on Sunday, I was running a fever all day long.
I am glad Bill went back to college before I had to leave for work, or I do not think I could have stood going in.
But I did make it through the shift last night.
Today Steven and I are busy with home school. It is a literature/history day and he is chugging right along with The Iliad and we are nearly done with our study of the American Civil War. We are halfway through April, 1865 - The Month That Saved America and we finished watching the film Gettysburg, which is supposed to be extremely accurate this morning.
But as we sat there in the family room, I kept coughing and wheezing, and Steven finally told me "Mom, you are not better at all!" And he is right. I think I will have to call the doctor's office again tomorrow.